Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Investigation: Using Graphics Software to create a Collage

Unit Question:
How has technology influenced the way we see the world around us?

a) A Collage is a piece of art made by sticking different materials together such as cut-outs, torn pieces, newspaper clippings, photographs, ribbons, etc. Making a new piece of art in any shape wanted.
b)      Collages are mostly used for adding many photographs in one picture, so they are easily displayed for the audience and so it does not take a lot of time uploading the pictures. It’s also fun making them since you can display your picture forming another big picture.

d) I can effectively portray the underlying theme of the environmental or social element to an audience by collecting pictures of the environment, editing them, preferably green colored, then displaying them in a shape/template of the earth or a recycling sign, for a social element, you can display picture in a shape of a heart and add all the photos of the event, such as a wedding, party etc. I would like to attempt a collage of global warming pollution or recycling,

e) Collages are useful for uploading many pictures in a short time, especially for slow internet. You can upload a single document that includes as many pictures as you want and decorate/ design the format to make it look eye catchy and pretty. Collages are also useful in spreading awareness and giving, for example; a social or an environmental message.

     1-"Art Fashionista." Art Fashionista. N.p., n.d. Web. 22 May 2014.(

I think that the links that i'v used are reliable and include very useful information, i could improve on the amount of links i have used, so i can investigate/ explore more ideas and information on collages.

Design brief

Areas of Interaction: Environments: Significant Concept: Natural Environments and the impact of the Digital one.

Climate change is a significant and lasting change in the statistical distribution of weather patterns over periods ranging from decades to millions of years. This is a major problem in the world, which is why i chose it for my environmental collage. My collage will include the earth in flames and a hand holding it ,showing that its our responsibility to do something about this problem. I'm going to work on this project using Adobe Photoshop.

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