Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Reflection for the commnents

  1. Zahra's Journal:I really like your project. It's very creative and original. I didn't get bored watching it and your ideas were amazing. Good job! You also did a very good job on reflecting. It's a detailed reflection and includes everything we need to know. Also, you made your three first ideas detailed and also made it clear as to why you guys chose to make a reverse video.
  2. I really like you're video <33 it's very creative and interesting. Your reflection is very detailed and informative, you have all of the required information and have written in depth. Your steps are clear and you have explained the process well :*

The comments that i received on my tech fair project were mostly positive. my classmates thought it was creative, original and interesting. They also thought my reflection was very detailed and informative. In their opinion, I made it clear  how we did the video using clear steps and explaining the process. I would of liked for my classmates to add how i could of improved so i can get a better grade next time.

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