Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Investigation: Using Graphics Software to create a Collage

Unit Question:
How has technology influenced the way we see the world around us?

a) A Collage is a piece of art made by sticking different materials together such as cut-outs, torn pieces, newspaper clippings, photographs, ribbons, etc. Making a new piece of art in any shape wanted.
b)      Collages are mostly used for adding many photographs in one picture, so they are easily displayed for the audience and so it does not take a lot of time uploading the pictures. It’s also fun making them since you can display your picture forming another big picture.

d) I can effectively portray the underlying theme of the environmental or social element to an audience by collecting pictures of the environment, editing them, preferably green colored, then displaying them in a shape/template of the earth or a recycling sign, for a social element, you can display picture in a shape of a heart and add all the photos of the event, such as a wedding, party etc. I would like to attempt a collage of global warming pollution or recycling,

e) Collages are useful for uploading many pictures in a short time, especially for slow internet. You can upload a single document that includes as many pictures as you want and decorate/ design the format to make it look eye catchy and pretty. Collages are also useful in spreading awareness and giving, for example; a social or an environmental message.

     1-"Art Fashionista." Art Fashionista. N.p., n.d. Web. 22 May 2014.(

I think that the links that i'v used are reliable and include very useful information, i could improve on the amount of links i have used, so i can investigate/ explore more ideas and information on collages.

Design brief

Areas of Interaction: Environments: Significant Concept: Natural Environments and the impact of the Digital one.

Climate change is a significant and lasting change in the statistical distribution of weather patterns over periods ranging from decades to millions of years. This is a major problem in the world, which is why i chose it for my environmental collage. My collage will include the earth in flames and a hand holding it ,showing that its our responsibility to do something about this problem. I'm going to work on this project using Adobe Photoshop.

Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Reflection for the commnents

  1. Zahra's Journal:I really like your project. It's very creative and original. I didn't get bored watching it and your ideas were amazing. Good job! You also did a very good job on reflecting. It's a detailed reflection and includes everything we need to know. Also, you made your three first ideas detailed and also made it clear as to why you guys chose to make a reverse video.
  2. I really like you're video <33 it's very creative and interesting. Your reflection is very detailed and informative, you have all of the required information and have written in depth. Your steps are clear and you have explained the process well :*

The comments that i received on my tech fair project were mostly positive. my classmates thought it was creative, original and interesting. They also thought my reflection was very detailed and informative. In their opinion, I made it clear  how we did the video using clear steps and explaining the process. I would of liked for my classmates to add how i could of improved so i can get a better grade next time.

Friday, March 14, 2014

Design/Reflection on my project and tech fair.

For my Tech fair project, my partner Sarah and I did a reverse video. First of all we researched and agreed on the ideas we were going to film and the editing site and Apps. then we took the videos such as blowing out a candle, jumping in the pool,sliding down the stairs, ripping out a paper, then we reversed it using Reverse Cam on IPad. After that we transferred the videos onto a laptop, pasted them into Windows Movie Maker, added music "If I loose myself-One republic"and doubled the speed of the videos and added some cool effects. This work took approximately 6 hours of our own time,other than the research that we did in school. For improvement we could of had a better hardware to take the video with and a more interesting way to to the final editing since everyone either uses Windows Movie Maker or IMovie. I didn't take part in the tech fair because we had a lack of organization and we forgot to get a laptop and our video was not uploaded on Youtube. My final  project was a bit different than how i planned it because we were planning on doing fast motion and stop motion with the reverse but we ran out of time and ideas.

Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Tech Fair Project Investigation

Idea 1:
Video making a Skit/Short movie
Pros: Fun to shoot, can have many effects and music that will make it enjoyable to watch.
Cons: We need many people to act in it, hard to think of an idea for the movie.
Hard ware’s: Props/ Costumes, Camera, Laptop.
Soft ware’s: Movie Maker.
first i will find a relevant idea to make the movie about, i will decide who will film and act in my movie, i will then make a script of the movie and buy the props needed, after that i will shoot my movie and edit it to be really to be presentable.

Idea 2:
Animation Video
Pros: It will be easy since there are many sites to make an animation video.
Cons: Boring and dull, a more original project would be better.
Hard ware’s: Laptop
Soft ware’s: Internet (
find a good idea, design my characters, write the script, design the setting , polish my work to be ready to be handed in.

Idea 3: 
 reverse video.
Pros: Fun to try, does not need so much time. There are so many ideas of what can be done in this video. (
Cons: Needs lots of editing.
Hard ware’s: Laptop, equipments used in video.
Soft ware’s: Internet ( , Movie Maker.
first we are going to do a plan of what the video is going to include. shoot the videos ,edit the videos ( reverse them) put them on movie maker, add titles, captions and flow the videos after another.

My partner for this project is Sarah F , her and I chose to do Idea 3, which is a mixture of a slow motion, fast motion, reverse and stop motion video. It’s going to be about 2-3 minutes. We chose to do it since it is the most time convenient because we have about 2 weeks only and because we’ve always wanted to do a video like that.

Saturday, February 1, 2014

Making my own school registration form

I first did a draft in my copy book of what my registration form will roughly look like.

I then did an annotation of how i'm going to present it using Microsoft Word Document.
Then i created my school logo using

Finally i made my registration form for my school.My draft is a bit different than my final work because i changed a few things such as the background color.I kept it white since it looks clearer than if it was going to be brown. I also changed the font size, 14 instead of 12 so that there isn't extra spaces on my form. I'm glad with my final work,it looks professional and informative.

Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Final evaluation

On my post my friends have commented saying that my brochure is very eye catchy, filled with colors, looks good and visually appealing. For improvement i could have added more pages to my brochure including information in it about either the company or the product, also to  change the color and font of the text so that it is clear.